
Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier Aid Fails to Reach Needy Amid Looting and Blockades

President Biden’s $320 million pier project to deliver aid to Gaza has hit a snag. Since its opening, the aid has only reached those who looted trucks carrying the goods. The main Palestinian settlements have not received any aid due to disruptions caused by Israel’s efforts to remove Hamas terrorists.

According to reports, out of the 16 trucks that began their journey from the pier, only five made it to their destination. The rest were ransacked by Gaza residents before reaching the settlements. The U.N. representative reported that the trucks were stopped at various points, and people took the aid for themselves.

A Pentagon representative admitted that the aid delivery had not been successful so far, citing that some people intercepted the aid from the vehicles. The U.S., Israel, and the UN are currently looking for alternative routes to distribute the aid.

The military is taking a step-by-step approach to address the distribution challenges, with a goal to increase aid delivery. However, a World Food Program representative expressed doubts about the operation’s success without clearance and new coordination for additional routes.

The article concludes with a call to support the fight against media deception and corrupt elites, emphasizing the significance of the 2024 election and urging readers to stand together in the battle for the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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