
Biden’s $400 Million Gaza Pier Sinks Amid Criticism and Aid Suspension

President Joe Biden’s highly touted “humanitarian pier” in the Gaza Strip has come under heavy scrutiny after reports of its sinking and the suspension of aid operations. The pier, which cost nearly $400 million to construct and was announced during the State of the Union address, has faced significant setbacks as it now sits partially submerged in the sea, leading to concerns about its functionality.

Republican Congressman Michael Waltz has criticized the situation, calling it “FUBAR” and signaling the pier’s failure. Others, including former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, have expressed their disappointment, emphasizing that the pier was a waste of money and served no practical purpose beyond political virtue signaling.

In addition, there have been allegations that all aid distributed from the pier has been stolen by the terrorist organization Hamas, which has targeted the pier in the past. The Pentagon has acknowledged the suspension of aid operations and the White House has not issued an official response to the unfolding crisis.

The timeline of events surrounding the pier has also been called into question, with reports indicating that aid delivery has been severely impacted. Despite initial reports of aid flowing into Gaza, subsequent developments have revealed significant challenges and operational issues with the pier.

Overall, the sinking and suspension of operations at the Gaza pier have raised concerns about the effectiveness and viability of the project, prompting criticism from conservative voices regarding its handling and impact on aid delivery to the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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