
Biden’s $6B Iran Move: Secretly Funding Hamas Terrorists Unveiled!

Over the weekend, the White House was busy shedding crocodile tears and whining about “misinformation” surrounding the Biden administration’s decision to unfreeze $6 billion for Iran. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it has now come to light that this reckless move also indirectly funded the anti-Israel terrorist organization, Hamas. And don’t be fooled by the administration’s attempt to downplay it; they knew exactly what they were doing.

Puppeteers Pulling Strings: The Biden administration’s desperation to avoid criticism led them to reverse a ban on assistance to the Palestinians, allowing funds to flow into Gaza. However, it seems that this decision conveniently helped finance Hamas’ operations. While administration officials vehemently denied this, internal documents revealed their awareness of the “high risk” involved in this aid reaching Hamas.

A Costly Gamble: In August, The Washington Free Beacon uncovered documents exposing the truth behind the Biden administration’s plans. State Department officials privately expressed their concerns about injecting taxpayer money into territories controlled by Palestinian terror groups. Despite this admission, the Biden administration hurriedly pushed through plans to distribute hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, ignoring the potential boost it would provide to Hamas.

Hidden Agendas and Slippery Excuses: The State Department requested an exemption to bypass laws prohibiting such aid to terror organizations. They claimed that the authorization was crucial for “advancing prosperity, security, and freedom.” However, their true intentions appeared to be funding the Palestinian government and advancing their own foreign policy objectives. In a display of arrogance, they opted for broad authorities rather than providing specifics, leaving the door open for misuse of funds.

The Deadly Consequence: In a shocking turn of events, Hamas terrorists carried out the deadliest attack against Jewish people since the Holocaust, shortly after receiving the unfrozen funds. The Biden administration cannot escape responsibility for indirectly financing this terror group. Their reckless decision-making has jeopardized innocent lives and fractured the delicate peace in the region.

Written by Staff Reports

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