
Biden’s Amnesty Bill: A Trojan Horse for Mass Migration Madness!

President Joe Biden is at it again, folks. During a White House address, he applauded a Senate bill that would open the floodgates to even more immigration into the United States. And you won’t believe his sneaky plans. The bill is just a warm-up act, a practice round, a precursor to what he and his liberal buddies really want – amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

Not only does this bill expand immigration, but it also actually increases legal immigration. Can you believe it? With Biden already leading the charge to bring in nearly 50 million foreign-born individuals, the largest number in American history, the last thing we need is more of this madness.

In his address, Biden practically admitted that this so-called “innocent” bill is just a step towards his ultimate goal – amnesty for the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens currently living in the U.S. He shamelessly urged Congress to pass this bill and put it on his desk immediately.

You see, what Biden and his cronies really want is to destroy the American workforce. This amnesty scheme would flood the labor market with millions of newly legalized foreign workers, driving down wages for hardworking Americans and lining the pockets of big businesses. The Congressional Budget Office even confirmed that immigration has pushed down wages for low-skilled American workers.

But that’s not all. If Biden gets his way, housing prices will soar even higher. By granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, the demand for housing will skyrocket, leaving working and middle-class Americans struggling to afford a place to live.

It’s clear that Biden’s agenda is bad news for America. We must stand up against his reckless immigration policies and protect our country for future generations. Don’t let Biden fool you – his amnesty dreams are a nightmare for hardworking Americans.


Written by Staff Reports

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