
Biden’s Ancestor Pardoned by Lincoln: Family Flirting with Law?

President Joe Biden’s ties to the White House stretch back further than a rubber band on a windy day – all the way back to Abraham Lincoln’s time! Yes, you heard that right, folks. It turns out Biden’s great-great granddaddy, Moses J. Robinette, got himself into a bit of a pickle back in 1864 and found himself on the wrong side of the law. That’s when good ol’ Honest Abe, President Lincoln himself, stepped in and granted Robinette a pardon for attempted murder. Can you imagine if Lincoln hadn’t swooped in to save the day? Joe Biden might not even be in the Oval Office right now!

Now, let’s talk about Robinette’s little scuffle. He was serving as an army vet when he got into a tiff with a fellow Union worker, whipped out a knife, and things got bloody. Despite his claims of self-defense, the courts weren’t buying it, and he was slapped with a two-year hard labor sentence. But don’t worry, folks, Lincoln came to the rescue and granted Robinette a get-out-of-jail-free card because he thought the punishment was too harsh. It’s like a 19th-century version of a presidential pardon!

So, Mr. Gerleman, the historian, spilled the beans in the Washington Post about this family saga. But let’s not miss the forest for the trees here – the Biden family seems to have a knack for dancing on the edge of the law. From Robinette’s little mishap to Hunter Biden’s recent court dodging shenanigans, it’s like trouble follows them like a lost puppy.

Let’s not forget about Hunter Biden, who had a better disappearing act than a magician at a birthday party, avoiding court subpoenas left and right. But finally, he’s been backed into a corner and is set to spill the beans on February 28th. It’s about time the Biden family gets a taste of accountability instead of getting the VIP treatment from the legal system. If you do the crime, you should do the time – no matter how many generations back your family tree goes.

The GOP is fed up with this kind of special treatment, and rightly so. It’s time for the Bidens to play by the same rules as the rest of us hardworking Americans. No more playing hide-and-seek with the law, no more pretending like rules don’t apply. It’s time for a level playing field, and it starts with folks like the Bidens facing the music just like the rest of us. Let’s hope they finally learn their lesson and start following the law, not bending it like a twizzler at the county fair.

Written by Staff Reports

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