
Biden’s Approval Ratings Tumble to Record Lows – Even Below Carter’s!

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating during his third year in office was the lowest of any president since Jimmy Carter, according to a Gallup poll released on Thursday. Biden’s average job approval rating for his third year was 39.8 percent. This is even lower than former President Donald Trump’s rating of 42 percent during his third year. It’s not looking good for Biden!

The Hill points out that Carter had a third-year approval rating of 37.4 percent, which is slightly lower than Biden’s. And we all know what happened to Carter – he lost his reelection campaign. Ouch! Let’s hope Biden can turn things around before it’s too late.

Biden’s third year wasn’t all bad though. He did have some record-breaking lows in job approval ratings, with 37 percent in April, October, and November 2023. And since September 2021, his approval ratings have been consistently low, ranging from the high 30s to low 40s. Yikes!

It seems like the struggling economy and the ongoing border crisis are major factors contributing to Biden’s low approval ratings. The American people are not happy with how things are going, and it’s starting to show in these polls. If Biden wants any chance at a White House return in 2024, he’s going to have to make some major changes. Good luck, Mr. President, you’re going to need it!

Editorial Opinion: This article highlights the fact that President Biden’s job approval ratings have been consistently low, even lower than that of former President Trump. This is not surprising considering how poorly Biden has handled the economy and the border crisis. The American people are clearly not happy with the direction the country is headed in, and they are making their voices heard through these polls. It’s time for Biden to step up and start listening to the concerns of the American people instead of pushing his own agenda. Otherwise, he can kiss his chances of a White House return goodbye.

Written by Staff Reports

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