
Biden’s Attack on American History: Native American Groups Rally to Defend William Penn Statue

In a surprising turn of events, the Biden administration’s attempt to remove a statue of William Penn from Welcome Park in Philadelphia has been met with opposition from Native American groups. These tribes have come forward to defend Penn’s legacy, highlighting his friendly relations with the Lenape tribe during his time in the American Colonies.

One leader, Ben Barnes of the Shawnee Tribe, emphasized Penn’s alliance with their people and how he upheld his promises. Barnes made it clear that Penn should not be lumped in with the “terrible human beings” who inflicted tragedy upon Native Americans. It’s refreshing to see a recognition of the complex history and not portray every historical figure as a villain.

The National Parks Service had originally planned to remove the statue as part of rehabilitation efforts at Welcome Park, claiming it would create a more inclusive experience for visitors. However, this decision was met with widespread ridicule from Pennsylvanians who hold a favorable view of William Penn’s legacy. Republican State House Minority Leader Brian Cutler aptly pointed out that this was another example of the left’s extreme ideology and nonsensical view of history.

Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania even stepped in to protect the statue, showing that this issue transcends party lines. It’s heartening to see bipartisan support for preserving history and not succumbing to the woke agenda. Shapiro rightly reminded everyone that Welcome Park is the rightful home of the William Penn statue, honoring the foundation of Pennsylvania.

While consultation with Native American tribes is required before making changes to historic sites, it is worth noting that these tribes spoke highly of William Penn and were primarily focused on their own culture and history. They recognized that Penn played an important role in their heritage. It’s refreshing to see a reasonable and nuanced approach that acknowledges the complexity of history.

The fact that the Park Service did not immediately respond to requests for comment is concerning. The lack of transparency raises questions about their decision-making process and whether they considered the input of the Native American groups. It is crucial to ensure that all stakeholders are heard and that changes to historic sites are made with careful consideration.

In the end, common sense prevailed, and the statue of William Penn will remain in Welcome Park. It is a small victory for those who believe in preserving our history and not succumbing to the whims of the woke left. Let us hope that this serves as an example for future decisions regarding our historical monuments and that we continue to recognize the positive contributions of figures like William Penn.

Written by Staff Reports

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