
Biden’s Billion Bonanza to Border Jumpers on Taxpayers’ Dime!

In an outrageous reveal, it’s been uncovered that President Joe Biden’s reckless pro-immigration policies are dishing out over $1 billion to illegal immigrants hoping to waltz across the U.S.-Mexico border. Yep, you heard that right. Your hard-earned cash is being doled out in money cards, envelopes of cash, and other goodies to aid these law-breaking border crossers. And who’s footing the bill? That’s right, none other than the American taxpayer.

A snarky investigation by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) unveiled that international humanitarian groups, backed by the State Department and United Nations outlets, are practically laying out red carpets for migrants with wads of cash and “loans.” This ludicrous generosity is allegedly aimed at making the trek to the border a walk in the park for the over 300,000 migrants who stormed in last December.

Unbelievably, the State Department coughed up a whopping $1.4 billion to these do-gooders in the last year alone. But here’s the kicker – all this handout hoopla is happening while Biden stands on his soapbox, swearing up and down that he’s working his socks off to quash illegal immigration. Riiight.

In a scathing report, CIS senior national security fellow Todd Bensman laid it all out. He uncovered how the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the U.S. Agency for International Development are gleefully siphoning off taxpayer funds to these charitable groups, in turn, greasing the wheels for hordes of migrants to make a beeline for the U.S. border – consequences be damned!

But oh, it doesn’t stop there. The International Organization of Migration, a United Nations favorite, has also snatched a cool $1.4 billion to help immigrants jaunt over to the U.S. from Central and South America. And get this, the icing on the cake? The State Department is practically micromanaging the whole shebang, cozying up to U.N. groups and managing interest-free travel loans.

Bensman bluntly pointed out the harsh reality of this absurdity, highlighting how Biden’s immigration debacle is rocking the boat at the border and deep within the U.S. Not only is it a cakewalk for economic immigrants to trample over the border, but it’s also a slap in the face to hardworking Americans who foot the bill for this circus.

The shocking truth is, more than half a million migrants have gobbled up handouts from the U.S. and U.N. groups, making a mockery of legal immigration processes. With a mind-boggling $372 million in ‘Cash and Voucher Assistance,’ it’s clear that the U.N. and its cronies are dead set on turbocharging the migrant trail with a little help from your wallet.

In essence, Biden’s open-borders charade is a downright travesty, funneling your tax dollars to fuel this migration malarkey. It’s a cringeworthy performance that could spell disaster for the country and its hardworking citizens. So, buckle up, folks, because the Democratic circus is in full swing, and you’re bankrolling the show.

Written by Staff Reports

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