
Biden’s Blinders On: Dems Skip Primaries, Eye ’24 Victory Bash!

President Joe Biden is at it again, scheming with his fellow Democrats to map out their wacky plan for the 2024 election. The gang is gathering at the swanky Lansdowne Resort in Leesburg, Virginia, to plot their course of action. And guess what? They’re already looking past the primary election, like it’s no big deal, and focusing on the general election. How’s that for taking things for granted?

Biden, along with his entourage of senior campaign officials, is crashing the House Democrats’ party to chat about his game plan after Super Tuesday. They’re acting like it’s game over for the primaries, gearing up for the big showdown in November. What happened to earning your victory, guys? Sounds like they’re getting ahead of themselves, doesn’t it?

The president and his squad will gab about Biden’s grand plans for the 2024 cycle, how they’re going to round up the Biden-Harris posse to make some noise at the polls, and their big dreams of getting folks to show up and vote in November. It’s like they’re planning a big, fancy party, but for politics. Talk about being out of touch with reality!

The Democrats are all fired up, yammering about their historic agenda and yada, yada, yada. They’re blabbering about rallying their troops, pumping up the middle class, and supposedly standing up for democracy. Maybe they should check the definition of democracy while they’re at it.

All this hoopla comes as the Democrats are scrambling to boost Biden’s reelection bid. With low approval ratings and a potential match-up against President Trump on the horizon, they’re desperate to revive his image. But let’s face it, folks—Biden’s track record speaks for itself, and it’s not looking good. Good luck with that “reintroduction” plan, Dems!

Written by Staff Reports

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