
Biden’s Boot on Press Freedom, Journo Targeted for Tough Questions

Well, well, well, the Biden White House is at it again, folks. This time, they’ve taken aim at journalist Simon Ateba of Today News Africa, threatening to restrict his access to all White House “press-related events.” And what was Ateba’s grave offense, you ask? Daring to ask a question that the White House didn’t want to answer. Who knew doing your job as a journalist could be so dangerous?

But wait, there’s more. Ateba even had the audacity to take to social media to voice his disappointment at being discriminated against. Shocking, right? I mean, the nerve of this guy, wanting to do his job and ask important questions. The nerve.

And here’s where it gets even juicier. Ateba had the gall to sue White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the Secret Service for violating his constitutional rights. You see, the White House had established rules for stripping journalists of press badges, and they decided Ateba was “disruptive” because he asked questions they didn’t like. So what did they do? They served him not one, but two warning letters and filed them in court. Talk about a power trip!

But the plot thickens. Ateba isn’t taking this lying down. He’s fighting back, and he’s not afraid to call out the White House for its attempts to chill freedom of the press. He’s not wrong, either. The White House’s actions are a clear attack on the First Amendment and an obvious attempt to censor journalists who dare to challenge the narrative.

In short, the Biden White House has once again shown its true colors. It’s willing to go to great lengths to stifle dissent and get rid of anyone who doesn’t toe the line. This is just another example of the authoritarian tendencies of this administration, and it’s a chilling reminder of the lengths they’ll go to silence their critics.

So, there you have it, folks. Another day, another attack on freedom of the press by the Biden White House. What a time to be alive.

Written by Staff Reports

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