
Biden’s Border Blunder Uncovered: All Smoke, No Fire!

The border crisis caused by the bumbling Biden administration continues to insult our intelligence on a daily basis. But this time, it’s even more insulting because it happened during a White House press briefing. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked if Biden planned on visiting the southern border before the presidential election, and her response was a blatant lie. She suggested that Biden had been there “recently,” but in reality, his visit was way back in January 2023. Jean-Pierre’s attempt to cover up Biden’s lack of action on the border only adds insult to injury.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin didn’t let this slide and reminded the American people that Biden’s visit to El Paso was nothing more than a photo op. The streets had been cleared of migrants, and the migrant center he visited miraculously had zero migrants in it. Instead of going to where the real problem is – the border crossings – Biden decided to visit a port of entry. He didn’t even bother visiting a Border Patrol station or addressing the public. It was a staged event designed to make Biden look like he was taking action, when in reality, he was just dodging the real issues.

This is not the first time Biden and his team have pulled off such a charade. Vice President Kamala Harris, in her role as “border czar,” also attempted a so-called “border visit” back in June. But like Biden, she didn’t actually go to the physical border or any hot spots. Instead, she chose to do her photo ops at a border patrol station and the airport in El Paso. It’s clear that both Biden and Harris are more interested in optics than actually solving the border crisis.

The border crisis is not just a political issue, it’s a real concern for the American people. Biden’s approval ratings on this issue are abysmal, currently sitting at around 31.5 percent. And the more the Biden administration insults our intelligence and tries to spin the situation, the worse his numbers will get. Biden may be counting on the Hispanic vote to save him, but they are also unhappy with his handling of the border.

No amount of spin or excuses from Biden, Jean-Pierre, or Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas can change the reality on the ground. If Biden continues to ignore this issue, he will face the consequences at the ballot box in November. It’s time for Biden to stop the theatrics and start taking real action to secure our borders.

In the end, this border crisis is just another example of the incompetence and lack of leadership we’ve seen from the Biden administration. It’s not surprising considering his track record so far, but it’s still infuriating. We deserve better than a president who cares more about photo ops than actually doing his job. It’s time for a change.

Written by Staff Reports

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