
Biden’s Border Blunders: Admin Exposed Amid Spiraling Crisis

The southern border continues to be an absolute disaster, and the blame rests squarely on President Joe Biden’s shoulders. Despite his repeated claims that Congress needs to send him a bill to secure the border, the truth is that he’s just making excuses. From day one, Biden wasted no time in signing an executive action that dismissed the emergency and opened the floodgates at the border. It’s clear that Biden and his Democratic cohorts are not interested in fixing the issue, despite their lip service to the contrary.

One of the key elements in the ongoing border bill debate is the fact that it’s actually a “border surrender bill,” as pointed out by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). The Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have been quick to accuse Republicans of not wanting to address the border crisis, insinuating that doing so would be a political win for former President Donald Trump. This kind of spin is exactly what gives politics a bad name.

Even Politico, a left-leaning news outlet, has been covering the border extensively, with recent editions of Playbook highlighting the Democrats’ struggle to manipulate the narrative. They’ve been desperately trying to shift the blame onto House Republicans and Trump, but cracks are starting to show in their own facade. Recent headlines from Politico and The Hill have started to acknowledge the Democrats’ internal divisions and their own role in hindering progress on the border bill.

While Democrats like Sen. Alex Padilla of California are trying to push their amnesty agenda under the guise of “expanding legal pathways,” there are also voices within the party who think Biden is not going far enough in his leniency towards illegal immigration. It’s a classic case of the left hand not knowing what the far-left hand is doing, and it’s doing nothing to solve the crisis at the border.

As Senate negotiations on the border bill draw closer to a conclusion, House Republicans have upped the ante by moving to impeach Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. It’s a clear sign that they’re not going to back down and let the Democrats’ incompetence and inaction continue to wreak havoc at the border.

The coming days will be crucial as the text of the border bill is set to be released, and the Democrats’ infighting could further delay any meaningful progress. If this chaos in the Democratic camp prevents a bad deal from being passed, then maybe it’s a silver lining after all. The American people deserve a secure border, and it’s about time the Democrats stopped playing politics with people’s lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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