
Biden’s COLA Cut: Starving Seniors While Inflation Soars!

Oh boy, hold on tight folks, because the Biden administration is about to deliver a punch in the gut to our seniors! According to sources, they announced that the annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security benefits will be LESS than half the current rate of inflation. Can you believe it? Less than half! It’s like they want to kick our elderly right in the shins.

So here’s the deal, starting in 2024, the program is planning to increase monthly payments by a measly 3.2 percent. But get this, the rate of inflation this year is a whopping 8.7 percent! I mean, talk about a slap in the face. These seniors, who rely on fixed incomes, are going to be struggling even more to make ends meet. Biden might as well just hand out Monopoly money and call it a day.

Now, Social Security is a lifeline for over 71 million hardworking Americans. It’s a program that’s supposed to support our elderly and ensure they can live with dignity in their golden years. But with this pathetic increase, how are they supposed to keep up with rising costs? It’s like the Biden administration is saying, “Hey, we know things are getting more expensive, but tough luck, old folks!”

And if that’s not bad enough, a report by trustees for Social Security and Medicare back in March concluded that these programs won’t be able to pay out full benefits by 2033. That’s just around the corner! Can you imagine the panic and fear our seniors must be feeling? It’s a shame that the Biden administration seems more interested in pushing their big government agenda than taking care of the very people who have worked so hard and contributed to this country.

But wait, there’s more! We all know that the baby boomer generation is retiring in droves, and that’s putting a strain on the system. Back in 1960, there were more than five workers contributing for every Social Security beneficiary. But guess what? Now that number has dwindled to just 2.8 workers. Yikes!

Some senior citizen advocates are urging Congress to step up and address this issue. And they’re right! Congress needs to stop treating Social Security like the third rail of politics and start finding real solutions. The AARP’s CEO, Jo Ann Jenkins, is calling for a bipartisan effort to keep Social Security strong and reliable. And you know what? She’s absolutely right.

But here’s the thing, folks. Congress has a lousy track record when it comes to actually doing something about Social Security. They talk big, but when it comes down to it, they can’t seem to get anything done. Even when there were reforms in 1983, things were less divided. Now? It’s like trying to herd cats.

So buckle up, America. Our seniors are in for a rough ride. The Biden administration’s pitiful COLA adjustment is just the beginning of their assault on hardworking retirees. It’s time for us conservatives to fight tooth and nail for the future of Social Security and ensure our seniors get the support they deserve. Let’s show them that we won’t stand for this nonsense!

Written by Staff Reports

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