Ol’ Joe Biden has settled comfortably into his presidency, doubling down on the same old policies that have helped to further divide the country. Consistency in politics can be commendable, but for Biden, it simply means continuing down the road to ruin paved with questionable decisions and a complete disregard for sound economic principles.
Take the administration’s economic strategy, for instance. With a spending spree that could make even a drunken sailor blush, Biden has flooded the market with cash and fueled inflation like a gas-guzzling SUV at a low-price gas station. Prices on everything from groceries to gas have skyrocketed, but hey, at least Biden remains true to his vision of a government-centered economy. It’s the same story that left many Americans scratching their heads and wondering just how much longer they can afford their morning coffee.
It takes a healthy ego to admit when you’re wrong. @JoeBiden can’t do it and he’s now leaving office with his party completely shut out of power, no goodwill with the party or the media, and no money for his presidential library. pic.twitter.com/7fkSWd8wJe
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) January 16, 2025
So, what’s behind the president’s unwavering commitment to policies that seem to contradict common sense? It appears Ol’ Joe has a penchant for listening to the far-left wolves instead of the sensible sheep in his party. Environmental regulations are more stringent than ever, and energy independence is just a distant memory. Instead of harnessing the resources within the U.S. and bringing down gas prices, Biden is chasing green energy dreams that stand to benefit only certain industries and political donors. It’s a classic case of “out of sight, out of mind,” as Americans are forced to pay the price at the pump while Biden fawns over folksy climate activists.
Consistency seems to be the mantra for Biden’s foreign policy, too. After abruptly withdrawing from Afghanistan and leaving Americans in precarious situations, there’s little surprise that international rivals have picked up on the administration’s weakness. Rather than standing firm against aggression, it seems the White House is hoping that a softer approach will win hearts and minds—perhaps they missed the memo that some tyrants don’t respond to kindness. This all contributes to a world that’s more dangerous, proving that consistency does not always equate to progress.
Despite the shaky ground beneath his administration, Biden’s loyal supporters seem ready to defend him at all costs, touting his “calm” demeanor and his “blocks of progress.” But for most Americans—those who aren’t wrapped up in the latest kale smoothie obsession—it’s becoming increasingly clear that consistency in Biden’s world simply means a continued decline in quality of life and a government out of touch with the needs of its citizens.
As the warm and fuzzy glow of “consistent” Biden warms the cockles of his supporters’ hearts, most Americans are left grappling with the stark reality of his presidency. So, while Ol’ Joe might be riding high on steadfastness, the rest of the country is simply trying to keep their heads above water, all while wondering if consistency in Biden’s administration will eventually lead to a shipwreck.