
Biden’s Dangerous U-Turn: Delists Terror Group, Puts US at Risk!

In a move that left many scratching their heads, the Biden administration decided to take the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels off the State Department’s terrorism list in February 2021. They claimed it was to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, but let’s be real, it was nothing more than a reversal of what President Trump had put in place. I mean, come on, we all know Biden loves to undo anything Trump did, even if it means putting national security at risk.

NBC News reported on this disastrous decision, stating that the Biden administration confirmed the removal of the Houthi rebels from the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists. They tried to justify it by saying it was a result of a “comprehensive review,” but who are they fooling? It’s clear that this was just another example of the left’s appeasement strategy and their refusal to confront the real threats facing our country.

And wouldn’t you know it, just weeks after being delisted, the Houthi rebels took over a cargo ship. These are the same rebels who have launched countless attacks on innocent civilians in the Middle East. But hey, I guess the Biden administration thought it would be a good idea to give them a free pass and hope for the best. Well, surprise, surprise, it didn’t work out so well.

Now, in the face of this glaring failure, the Biden administration is considering relisting the Houthi rebels as a designated terrorist organization. Oh, now they realize their mistake? It’s mind-boggling how they can be so naive and shortsighted. This is what happens when you prioritize political posturing over the safety and security of the American people.

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s approach to foreign policy is not only weak, but also dangerous. They seem more interested in erasing Trump’s legacy than in protecting our national interests. It’s time for them to wake up and start prioritizing the safety of the American people over their own political agenda. Yemen and the rest of the world deserve better than this spineless appeasement.

Written by Staff Reports

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