
Biden’s Dark Past Haunts Him as Black Voters Wake Up

The Democrats just can’t resist playing their favorite game of identity politics. They love to divide people based on race, gender, ethnicity, and religion, all in a desperate attempt to make them feel like victims who need the government’s help. It’s truly exhausting.

And now, with Black History Month upon us, the Democrats are out in full force, patting themselves on the back for everything they claim to have done for the black community. But independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken a different approach. Instead of spewing empty promises, he’s shining a light on Joe Biden’s troubling track record when it comes to the black community.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and remember all the wonderful things Biden has done for black Americans. For starters, he authored the infamous 1994 crime bill, which led to the mass incarceration of black people. Bravo, Joe!

But that’s not all. He once had the audacity to say, “if you don’t vote for him, then you ain’t black.” It’s as if he believes black Americans should just blindly follow him without question. How insulting!

And let’s not forget his support for segregationist senators. Yes, you heard that right. Biden actually endorsed and worked with segregationists. But I guess that’s just the Democratic way – pretending to be champions for equality while supporting those who fought against it.

But it doesn’t end there. Biden opposed busing because he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle.” Classy, Joe. Truly classy.

And who can forget his 2006 remarks about 7-Elevens, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Indian accents? I’m sure the Asian community appreciated that one. And let’s not overlook his “articulate” and “bright and clean” description of Barack Obama. A real stand-up guy, this Biden.

The list goes on and on, but the point is clear. Biden’s track record with the black community is far from stellar. Yet, the Democrats continue to act as if he’s their savior.

But guess what? Black and Hispanic voters are waking up to the fact that the Democratic Party has been taking their votes for granted. They’re realizing that all the empty promises and identity politics have done more harm than good.

And as the polls show, Biden is losing support from these crucial voting blocs. People are fed up with the lack of educational opportunities, the crime problems, and the Democrats’ obsession with so-called transgender rights. These are not the issues that resonate with voters anymore.

So, come November, Biden is going to have a real uphill battle. With declining poll numbers and voters shifting to the Republican and independent camps, he better brace himself for a tough fight.

The Democrats’ reliance on identity politics is starting to backfire, and it’s about time. Maybe they should focus on policies that actually benefit all Americans instead of trying to divide us further. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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