
Biden’s Dog Unleashed Terror: 24 Secret Service Bites Hidden!

In shocking revelations, it has been brought to light that President Biden’s German Shepherd Commander has been on a biting spree, sinking his teeth into U.S. Secret Service personnel in a whopping 24 separate incidents at various locations, including the White House. This troubling behavior has been more than just a thorn in the side of the Secret Service, as it has posed a genuine danger to the hundreds of White House staffers forced to tiptoe around the pup.

The obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal the extent of Commander’s unruly antics, forcing Secret Service agents and White House employees to alter their daily routines in fear of the dog’s aggressive outbursts. This has led to a series of memos warning the personnel to exercise extreme caution and “adjust operational tactics” whenever Commander is present.

The alarming incidents haven’t been limited to the White House alone, as bites have been logged from Biden’s Delaware home to a vacation retreat in Nantucket and even Camp David. It’s no laughing matter, as Secret Service members have had to seek medical treatment for injuries sustained from Commander’s attacks.

To make matters worse, these Secret Service records might not even encompass all of Commander’s alleged bites, as it’s been reported that the dog has had run-ins with other White House staff. It’s clear that Commander’s aggression has spiraled out of control, with at least 12 White House staffers falling victim to his biting spree before he was eventually ousted from the premises in October.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the White House has sidestepped accountability, with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre deflecting inquiries and directing reporters to the first lady’s office. However, a source close to the Biden family has expressed their despair over Commander’s behavior, emphasizing the family’s remorse and attempts to make amends with those who suffered from the attacks.

In one particularly distressing incident, Commander bit a Secret Service agent at Biden’s Delaware home, leaving the agent in need of six stitches and causing a significant loss of blood. With Commander’s aggression spiraling out of control, it’s apparent that action needed to be taken to ensure the safety of those around him.

Written by Staff Reports

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