
Biden’s DOJ Coddles Ex-IRS Leaker of Trump’s Taxes: Deal Ahead?

Unbelievably, it seems that Joe Biden's Department of Justice is prepared to afflict a pat on the wrist on an individual who has publicly acknowledged exploiting his IRS position to violate the law for the explicit purpose of advancing the Democrats' objective of destabilizing Donald Trump and others. Charles Edward Littlejohn, who seemingly enrolled with the IRS with the explicit purpose of pilfering Trump's personal tax information, committed a federal offense. But rather than facing severe repercussions, Littlejohn is likely to spend little to no time in prison due to the DOJ's feeble prosecution.

Littlejohn, who was charged with a criminal offense, allegedly pursued a career as an IRS consultant and threatened to obtain the President's tax returns if granted permission to do so. It is imperative to mention that engaging in unauthorized access, duplication, removal, or disclosure of the tax returns of any American citizen is a felony offense. Taxpayers have the right to expect confidentiality, and their information will not be disclosed unless authorized by the taxpayer or required by law, according to the IRS website.

Thus, Littlejohn's primary objective in securing employment that granted access to government data was to engage in illicit activities, infringe upon individuals' rights, and pilfer their tax returns for political advantage. He justified this criminal act on the grounds that he perceived it as a "moral" act due to his displeasure with the fact that Trump had withheld his tax returns in contrast to other candidates. It is important to note, however, that publicizing tax returns does not constitute a legal obligation or requirement for a presidential candidate.

In spite of Littlejohn's explicit admission of guilt and defiance of the law, the Biden-led corrupt DOJ chose not to pursue legal action against him to the utmost extent of the law. Conversely, they extended to him a lenient plea agreement, wherein he would enter a guilty plea to a single count of felony. Despite the fact that Littlejohn had nothing to offer the DOJ in exchange for the agreement, he was treated leniently.

It is imperative to bear in mind that in addition to pilfering Trump's tax information, this criminal gained access to and published the tax returns of 7,500 other individuals whom he considered to be excessively affluent. However, despite Littlejohn's admission of committing thousands of violations of federal law, he remains on course to serve a maximum of sixty months in prison. His defense contends that he solely disclosed the information to reputable news organizations, such as ProPublica and The New York Times, which would have handled the data responsibly, thus justifying an even more lenient sentence.

It is extremely probable that the defendant's counsel will prevail before U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, an appointee of Vice President Biden. Reyes has earned a notoriety for imposing remarkably lenient sentences. Moreover, the purportedly credible news organizations that obtained the pilfered data have declined to disclose it and expunge any duplicates, leaving the 7,500 victims in a state of uncertainty and unable to guarantee that the media will not exploit their unlawfully obtained taxpayer information in the future.

Missouri Republican Congressman Jason Smith was indignantd by the preferential treatment accorded to a felon who exploited his criminal activities for the benefit of Joe Biden. Smith contended that the sentence advocated for by Littlejohn's legal representatives fails to function as a deterrent for government personnel who might contemplate engaging in unlawful activities. Regrettably, Democrats appear to employ government agencies and laws as instruments to be manipulated against their political adversaries, without regard for ethical conduct or fairness.

Evidently, Biden's corrupt DOJ is prepared to grant leniency to any individual who aids in the demise of a Democrat opponent. Conservatives may be pouring in the indignation, but it appears that the Democrats are oblivious to it like water runs off a duck's back. They regard each facet of the government as a political instrument to further their own objectives, regardless of the repercussions.

Written by Staff Reports

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