
Biden’s Economic Spin Fails, Voters Feel the Crunch

In yet another crushing blow for President Joe Biden, recent polls have once again shown that the American people are not buying into his economic fairy tales. Despite the constant attempts by the Biden administration to put a positive spin on things, the reality is that the majority of Americans are not feeling too hot about the state of the economy. In fact, according to a Civiqs poll with over 949,000 responses, a whopping 37 percent of voters believe the economy is “very bad,” with only 9 percent thinking it’s “very good.” Not to mention, a staggering 51 percent of respondents think the economy is “getting worse,” while a measly 30 percent say it’s “getting better.” Ouch, that’s gotta hurt!

But hold on to your hats, folks, because despite all the doom and gloom, there’s a glimmer of hope (or at least a glimmer of slightly less doom and gloom). Interactive Polls pointed out that the state of the economy is at its “highest point since August 11, 2021.” So, there you have it, folks – things might be looking kinda sorta not as terrible as they were, maybe.

But wait, there’s more! The Civiqs poll also revealed that a majority of voters believe their family’s finances have “gotten worse,” with a paltry 17 percent saying they’ve “gotten better.” And when asked if they approve of how Biden is handling the economy, a dismal 38 percent said yes, while a bleak 55 percent shook their heads in disapproval.

But wait, there’s even more doom and gloom to pile on! The RNC Research highlighted a CNBC/Generation Lab poll that showed the younger generation, who are already critical of Biden, are feeling particularly down in the dumps about the economy. A whopping 41 percent of these young Americans believe the economy is “poor,” and 45 percent think it’s “getting worse.” Yikes, that’s gotta sting!

But it doesn’t stop there, folks! The CNBC poll also found that a hefty 61 percent of young Americans are not saving for retirement, and a jaw-dropping 71 percent could last less than six months on their savings. And if that wasn’t enough, a whopping 34 percent have resorted to having a side hustle outside of their regular job just to make ends meet. The struggle is real, my friends.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the poll also revealed that 41 percent of young Americans say the economy is affecting major life decisions about marriage and family “quite a bit.” Yikes, that’s a whole lotta stress for the younguns!

But hey, at least there’s a silver lining, right? Wrong! The most recent poll from YouGov/The Economist also showed that a plurality of voters (that’s 39 percent, in case you were wondering) regard the economy as “poor,” and 45 percent say it’s “getting worse.” So, it looks like the American people are not buying what Biden is selling, and they’re not afraid to shout it from the rooftops.

And just to add insult to injury, an NBC News poll has further dashed Biden’s hopes, with a whopping 55 percent of voters believing that none other than Donald Trump would be better at dealing with the economy. Yikes, that’s gotta sting for ol’ Joe!

So, there you have it, folks – the American people have spoken, and they’re not too thrilled about the state of the economy under Biden. Will he be able to turn things around and win back their trust? Only time will tell, but if these polls are anything to go by, he’s got a long and bumpy road ahead of him!

Written by Staff Reports

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