
Biden’s Economy Tales: More Fairy Than Fact!

In a recent post on X, President Joe Biden is caught making some wild claims about wage growth and inflation that have conservative economists scratching their heads. Biden boldly states that wage growth during his presidency has been the strongest in 50 years. What?! That’s like saying unicorns are real! Jai Kedia from the Cato Institute, a reputable libertarian think tank, called out Biden’s claim as “nonsensical.” How does Biden expect us to believe this fairy tale when the data clearly shows that wages have been on a steady incline before he even took office?

While Biden tries to sell us his make-believe story about wage growth, let’s not forget about the other whopper he’s peddling – that inflation has magically decreased two-thirds from its peak. Sure, Biden, and pigs can fly too! Yes, inflation has dipped a bit from its alarming peak in June 2022, but let’s not pop the champagne just yet. Prices are still skyrocketing, and everyday Americans are feeling the pinch in their wallets. So, maybe Biden should stop patting himself on the back for a job well done when there’s still so much work to be done.

But wait, Biden has his cheerleaders too. Some so-called experts are buying into his tall tales. Kasey Buckles from the University of Notre Dame and Arindrajit Dube from the University of Massachusetts Amherst are nodding along with Biden’s made-up success story. Well, well, well, if you look hard enough, you can always find a few folks willing to play along with the fantasy.

Let’s face it, Biden’s claims about wage growth and inflation are like a house of cards waiting to come crashing down. The reality is, Americans are struggling to make ends meet while Biden is out there painting rainbows and sunshine. It’s time for our president to ditch the fiction and start dealing with the hard facts of our economy. But hey, maybe he’s too busy living in his dreamland where everything is just peachy keen. Good luck with that, Joe.

Written by Staff Reports

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