
Bidens Embrace Radical Abortion Stance: Activist Guest at State of the Union

In a shocking turn of events, the Biden administration has once again shown their unwavering support for abortion rights, this time by inviting a pro-abortion activist to the State of the Union Address. First Lady Jill Biden extended the invitation to Kate Cox, a woman who made the controversial decision to abort her own child due to a birth defect. It is truly scandalous to see the First Lady embracing such a radical stance on a deeply divisive issue.

Kate Cox, who hails from Texas, became a symbol for the pro-abortion movement when she unsuccessfully sued the state to challenge its restrictions on abortion. Refusing to accept defeat, she fled to New Mexico to terminate her pregnancy at 21 weeks. The Biden administration, along with their Democratic allies and the left-leaning media, have not only praised Cox for her decision, but also elevated her to the status of a hero.

During a press conference, White House Press Secretary Karinne Jean-Pierre confirmed the controversial invitation and even thanked Cox for her “courage” in sharing her story. It is clear that the Bidens intend to use Cox as a political prop to further their pro-abortion agenda. They want Americans to hear these harrowing stories because they believe it will sway public opinion in their favor.

President Biden himself has been capitalizing on Cox’s narrative, blaming former President Donald Trump for the recent Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. He claimed that women are being turned away from emergency rooms and forced to travel long distances for healthcare, all because of so-called “extreme politicians and judges.” But let’s not forget that Democrats and pro-abortion activists often reject abortion bans, even in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger.

Biden’s argument centered around Cox’s case of Trisomy-18, a birth defect with a low survival rate. However, it is important to note that this condition is not always lethal. Former Senator Rick Santorum shared the story of his daughter Bella, who was diagnosed with Trisomy-18. Despite the bleak prognosis, Bella defied the odds and continues to live a fulfilling life. Santorum rightfully argues that every child deserves a chance at life, rather than being brutally dismembered simply for not being perfect.

The Bidens and their allies are using Cox’s story to push their radical abortion agenda, ignoring the fact that there are alternatives to abortion even in challenging cases like Trisomy-18. It is deeply concerning that they would use such an emotionally charged issue as a political tool. As conservatives, we must remain steadfast in our defense of the sanctity of life and reject the narrative that paints abortion as “medical care.” Let us never forget that every life, no matter the circumstances, is worth protecting.

Written by Staff Reports

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