
Biden’s Feeble Iran Response: Incompetence or Intent?

The Biden administration continues to prove its incompetence in handling foreign policy and national security issues. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates warned us about Joe Biden’s track record of being wrong on major foreign policy issues, and it seems that trend has continued into his presidency. From the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal to the ongoing problem with Iran, Biden’s decisions have had detrimental consequences.

The recent attacks on U.S. forces and assets by Iranian militants have been met with a weak response from the Biden administration. Despite the loss of American lives and numerous injuries, Biden has failed to take decisive action to deter Iran and its proxies. In fact, the administration’s response has been so feeble that it raises questions about whether they are intentionally telegraphing their next moves to the enemy.

Not only has Biden failed to respond to the attack on troops in Jordan, but his administration has also provided detailed lists of possible targets for future strikes. This level of transparency is highly unusual and undermines the element of surprise that is crucial in military operations. It begs the question: Why is the Biden administration telegraphing its intentions so clearly? Are they trying to make it appear as though they are hitting meaningful targets, even though the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) leaders have already fled?

Fox News’ chief national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has raised these concerns and rightly pointed out the folly of telegraphing military operations. The fact that IRGC commanders have gone into hiding as a result of this information leak only further supports the argument that the Biden administration’s strategy is flawed. Are they intentionally allowing the IRGC leaders to escape so they can claim a successful strike without actually eliminating any high-value targets?

During a conversation with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Griffin directly asked whether the telegraphing of operations was intentional or if the goal was to avoid killing Iranian commanders. Austin, unsurprisingly, provided no clear answer. It’s disheartening to see the lack of transparency and accountability from the Biden administration, especially on matters of national security.

Once again, Joe Biden’s foreign policy decisions leave much to be desired. His administration’s mishandling of the Iranian threat is putting American lives at risk and undermining our national security. It’s time for Biden and his team to prioritize the safety and interests of the American people over their own political agenda. Only then can we hope to see a strong and effective response to the ongoing threats we face.

Written by Staff Reports

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