
Biden’s GDP “Boon” or Bust? Lowe Doescher Fires Back!

President Joe Biden’s disastrous open-border policies have plunged the United States into a full-blown migrant crisis, and it’s clear that both Republicans and Democrats are feeling the heat. American citizens are shouldering the burden of an influx of illegal immigrants, thanks to Biden’s refusal to take action and close the border. It’s a complete mess, and it’s all thanks to the current administration’s recklessness.

In Chicago, a stronghold of Democrat voters, the dissatisfaction with Biden’s handling of the migrant crisis is palpable. Black Democrat voters, on whom Biden relies for support, are incensed by the way illegal immigrants are being prioritized over U.S. citizens. Many are considering turning their backs on the Democratic Party come election time, and who can blame them?

Take Fred Caldwell, for example. He’s a lifelong Democrat who’s feeling betrayed by the preferential treatment illegal immigrants are receiving. It’s hard to blame him for feeling “on the fence” about where to throw his support in the upcoming election. The frustration is real, and it’s not just limited to Caldwell. Another resident voiced her disappointment, stating that the Democratic Party has lost the support of dedicated voters due to their failure to address the migrant crisis.

A recent poll revealed that 48 percent of Black voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of border security, and it’s no wonder why. Border Patrol agents are grappling with record-breaking numbers of illegal migrant apprehensions, with a staggering 300,000 in December alone. Let’s compare that to the last year of the Trump administration, where apprehensions were a fraction of that number.

Now, former President Trump is showing support for Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s efforts to tackle the border crisis head-on. Trump is urging other states to rally their National Guard troops to help secure the southern border, promising to join forces with Texas to combat the “invasion” if he’s elected president again later this year. It’s a clear indication that the current administration’s failures are not going unnoticed or unchallenged.

The bottom line is that the migrant crisis is a mess of Biden’s making, and it’s hurting American citizens. Thankfully, there are leaders like Governor Abbott and former President Trump willing to take charge and protect our borders, because it’s evident that the current administration is failing to do so.

Written by Staff Reports

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