
Biden’s In-Laws, China Cash & PPE Deals: Conflict of Interest?

The Biden family's connections to China are once again in the spotlight, and Alex Marlow's book, Breaking Biden, has revealed a startling revelation: Ashley Biden's husband, Dr. Howard Krein, has both ties to China and an advisory role in the Biden administration.

Let's delve into these connections. Dr. Krein, formerly a surgeon, was conveniently hired by the Biden campaign last year to provide advice on their "cancer moonshot" initiative. You might wonder how he secured this position. Well, it can be traced back to Joe Biden himself, who introduced Krein to Obama in 2011 and played a role in launching Krein's lucrative healthcare business. It appears to be a case of mutual favors.

But there's more to the story. Krein's business, StartUp Health, receives substantial funding from China, specifically from one of China's largest insurance companies, Ping An. In a roundabout way, China is now involved in Biden's cancer research initiative. It's certainly raising eyebrows.

If that weren't enough, the Biden administration awarded an enormous $53.4 billion PPE contract to another healthcare company connected to Krein and StartUp Health, known as Henry Schein. It's like a financial loop involving government funds, the Bidens, and, unsurprisingly, China. The term "conflict of interest" comes to mind.

Adding to the complexity of these connections, Ashley Biden's husband was advising President Biden on COVID-19 while simultaneously profiting billions from the pandemic and receiving Chinese funding. The intertwining relationships are almost surreal. Let's not forget that the virus originated in China, adding an ironic twist to the situation.

It's becoming increasingly evident why Biden vigorously promotes vaccines, even as concerns about their effectiveness and potential health issues arise. Follow the money, and it leads to China.

At this point, it almost seems as if China is calling the shots in the United States. It's imperative to remove Biden from the White House before our nation falls further under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. We must disentangle ourselves from this web of influence and steer America back on the right course.

Written by Staff Reports

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