
Biden’s Israel-Hamas Blunder: US Support Plummets, Survey Finds

A brand spanking new survey has revealed that Americans are starting to wise up and become less supportive of the Biden administration’s weak-kneed stance on the Israel-Hamas war. Ha! Take that, Biden!

According to a fancy Reuters/Ipsos poll, a whopping 68 percent of respondents now want a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict. It’s about darn time someone called for some peace and quiet around here! But hold your horses, folks, because that’s not all the survey uncovered.

Get this: only 32 percent of people think the U.S. should support Israel. That’s down from 41 percent just last month! Looks like more and more Americans are seeing the light and realizing that Hamas ain’t no friend of ours. It’s funny how quickly people change their tune when they start paying attention to the facts. Good on ’em!

But wait, there’s more! The number of folks who believe the U.S. should be a “neutral mediator” has shot up to 39 percent. Can you believe it? These people must think the U.S. has nothing better to do than just sit around and twiddle its thumbs while innocent Israelis get attacked by those Hamas goons. It’s clear that some Americans have been drinking the Kool-Aid and are falling for the left’s dangerous narrative.

And listen to this, folks: a measly 4 percent of the respondents actually think the U.S. should support the Palestinians. Wow, just wow. It’s astonishing how misguided these people are. The Palestinians have been nothing but trouble, and yet there are still a few loony lefties out there who think we should be sending them our support. Give us a break!

Now, here’s the kicker: a paltry 31 percent of poll respondents said they supported sending weapons to Israel. Can you believe that? We should be standing by our strongest ally in the Middle East, but apparently, some Americans have lost their way. Thankfully, there are still some sensible folks out there, mostly Republicans, who understand the importance of arming our friends.

But let’s not forget the cherry on top: sleepy ol’ Biden himself has been defending Israel’s position on the ceasefire. He knows that Hamas can’t be trusted one bit. Biden knows that these terrorists have no qualms about harming innocent people, even babies! It’s refreshing to see a president who isn’t afraid to call it like it is.

So, while it’s disheartening to see that some Americans have been duped by the left’s propaganda, at least we know there are still plenty of us who see through the smoke and mirrors. The Biden administration may bend over backward for Hamas, but real Americans know that we have to stand strong with Israel. It’s time to put our foot down and support our allies. God bless America, and God bless Israel!

Written by Staff Reports

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