
Biden’s Major Flub! Mispronounces LL Cool J, Patronizingly Calls Him ‘Boy’!

In the latest episode of Joe Biden’s never-ending gaffe saga, he managed to botch LL Cool J’s name and even called him “boy” during a Congressional Black Caucus event. Oh, Joe, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

But wait, there’s more! Not content with insulting just one group, Biden also managed to confuse the Congressional Hispanic Caucus with the Congressional Black Caucus during his speech. It’s almost like he has a bingo card of embarrassing moments and is determined to check off every square.

During the event, Biden continued his tradition of spouting falsehoods about the economy, claiming that he and Kamala Harris wanted to “fundamentally transform” it. Well, guess what? The American people have seen the results of their “transformation” firsthand with the worst inflation in over 40 years. Maybe it’s time for Biden to retire his catchphrase and focus on actually improving the economy.

But the real cringe-worthy moment came when Biden attempted to talk about LL Cool J and MC Lyte winning Phoenix Awards for their musical contributions. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Biden stumbled over LL Cool J’s name, struggled to read the teleprompter, and then, in a bizarre attempt to cover up his mistake, called him “boy.” Seriously, Joe?

It’s not the first time Biden has made racially insensitive remarks. Just a few weeks ago, he made a racist comment about high school diplomas, and the White House conveniently left it out of the official transcript. It seems like Biden has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth when it comes to people of color.

And let’s not forget the whole hair-sniffing issue. Biden’s strange behavior with children is well-documented, and yet Democrats continue to turn a blind eye. It’s as if they’re playing a game of “pretend it’s not happening” while hoping the rest of us will just ignore it too.

But here’s the real kicker: despite all the embarrassment and controversy, Democrats are still planning on putting Biden forward as their candidate for 2024. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, America, we know he’s a walking disaster, but trust us, he’s our best option.” Well, color me skeptical. Is this really the best the Democrats have to offer? God help us all.

Written by Staff Reports

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