
Biden’s Mental Decline Ignored as Allies Push Competency Narrative

In the wake of President Joe Biden’s continued mental decline being on full display, the Biden administration and its allies are working hard to convince the American people that there is no problem. First Lady Jill Biden has taken the lead in vouching for her husband’s competency despite evidence to the contrary. At a recent rally in Nevada, she claimed that Joe is not just one of the most effective presidents due to his age, which raises eyebrows and calls into question the reality of the situation.

During a fundraiser in Los Angeles, Biden’s noticeable lack of engagement and frozen posture has sparked concerns about his overall health and abilities as president. The contrast between him, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, and former President Barack Obama was stark, with Obama having to guide Biden off the stage after he appeared to be catatonic.

Despite these visible signs, the White House and liberal media are attempting to downplay the incident, claiming that Biden was simply enjoying the moment. This response, along with efforts to paint footage of the incident in a more positive light, is causing further skepticism among the public.

The timing of these concerns is crucial as the fall’s presidential election approaches and former President Donald Trump remains ahead in the polls. Additionally, the Democratic Party’s plans may be disrupted as the footage of Biden’s decline goes viral and raises questions about their candidate’s ability to serve.

These developments are forcing the White House into a state of panic, as they try to manage the situation and navigate the growing scrutiny. As discussions about potentially substituting a new candidate emerge, the impact of Biden’s decline on Democratic plans for the election remains to be seen.

The Western Journal is committed to providing accurate coverage of the 2024 election, despite facing obstacles from Big Tech and the establishment media. They emphasize the crucial role of their readers’ support in ensuring truthful reporting and challenging the efforts to control the narrative.

The urgency of the current political landscape and the need for real, reliable information is emphasized, with an appeal to readers to join in the fight for the truth and the future of America.

In December, the eastern city of Nanjing was placed under lockdown due to the discovery of a few, mere individuals afflicted with Covid-19. In Beijing, a handful of cases prompted the closure of schools and the cancellation of all flights. While the whole entire province of Jilin was put on lockdown, as well.

Head still spinning? Could such measures affect what could happen if the coronavirus were to get out and spread across the continental U.S.?

Despite being halfway around the world, the spread of lockdowns in China should ring the alarm bells for those who are genuinely concerned about freedom and normal life, and it’s worth paying attention to these developments.

Written by Staff Reports

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