
Biden’s Motorcade Rammed by DUI Driver: A Close Call!

In a highly unfortunate turn of events on Sunday, James Cooper, a 46-year-old resident of Wilmington, managed to plow his silver sedan into President Biden’s motorcade as the president left his campaign headquarters. It was reported that Cooper was under the influence at the time of the incident and has been subsequently charged with driving while intoxicated. To make matters worse, he was also hit with an additional charge of inattentive driving.

Fortunately, it seems that the collision was not a planned attack on the president as authorities believe that Cooper was unaware that it was in fact President Biden’s motorcade that he had collided with. Nevertheless, such an occurrence is undoubtedly a cause for concern in terms of the president’s security.

After being taken into custody, Cooper was later released and provided with a summons to appear in court at a later date. No statement has been given by Cooper’s representative regarding the incident as of yet.

President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden emerged from the collision unharmed, but the unexpected jolt certainly sent shockwaves through the situation. The Secret Service swiftly reacted to the loud bang, immediately ushering the president into his vehicle where his wife was already waiting. They were quickly whisked away from the chaotic scene.

It’s worth noting that this is not the first time Biden’s motorcade has been involved in an accident while the president was in his hometown. Last year, shortly after he was elected, a collision occurred between his motorcade and another vehicle, resulting in minor injuries for a state trooper and a 77-year-old woman. Let’s hope for safer roads going forward, especially when the president is on the move.

Written by Staff Reports

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