
Biden’s New Executive Order on Border Security Faces Criticism for Political Timing and Ineffectiveness

President Biden is set to sign an executive order on Tuesday addressing border security and immigration. This comes after he previously reversed policies from the Trump era aimed at combating asylum fraud, human trafficking, cartel activity, and illegal immigration.
Details of the executive order have not been released, but it is anticipated that it will not effectively address the issue of illegal immigration at the border. Critics argue that allowing thousands of illegal entries on a daily basis, totaling nearly 1,000,000 per year, is not a solution to the ongoing problem of illegal immigration. Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has described 1,000 daily crossings as a crisis, and it is suggested that the current administration’s approach is exacerbating the situation rather than effectively addressing it.

Furthermore, some critics have voiced skepticism about the timing of this executive order, coming just months before an election. They argue that after allowing millions of illegal entries over the past few years and failing to take significant action, the sudden move to address the issue appears transparent and politically motivated.

Critics also assert that allowing 4,000 illegal entries daily, totaling 120,000 per month and 1.5 million per year, undermines the idea of operational control and does not effectively address the challenges at the border. This approach is seen as misguided and failing to address the magnitude of the issue at hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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