
“Biden’s Open Borders Unleash Hamas Terrorists on America, Says James Woods”

In a tweet, the conservative actor James Woods warned that President Biden's open border policy is enabling Hamas terrorists to enter the United States. Many share Woods' concern that the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas could spread to the United States. In addition, the actor asserted that liberal Biden supporters appear to be oblivious to the fact that an open border places all Americans at risk.

Woods stated, "Pundits are lamenting intelligence failings that led to the terrorist slaughter of children and women by Hamas. Yet not a single liberal apologist has considered that a comparable silent army crosses Biden's nonexistent border daily." These strong terms emphasize the potential threat to national security posed by the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants.

Hamas terrorists' recent fatal assault on Israel has highlighted the gravity of the situation. The Biden administration initially condemned the assault, but was compelled to delete its tweet due to backlash from the public. As of Monday, over 800 Israelis have died and thousands more have been injured. In addition to launching rockets, Hamas terrorists have abducted and murdered Israeli citizens.

Former President Donald Trump also commented on the conflict, expressing concern over the possibility of World War III and criticizing Biden's handling of the situation. Trump expressed concern that Biden's lackadaisical posture toward Israel could lead to a devastating war and criticized his ability to negotiate with other world leaders while stumbling over his words. These remarks reflect the growing skepticism regarding Biden's capacity to handle foreign policy and defend American interests effectively.

James Woods' warning about Hamas militants infiltrating the US through the open border raises legitimate concerns about national security. The failure of the Biden administration to address the influx of illegal immigrants and their initial response to the Israel-Hamas conflict has raised doubts regarding their handling of these crucial issues. The government must prioritize the safety and security of its citizens and take decisive action against these threats.

Written by Staff Reports

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