
Biden’s Pacific Island Blunders Reveal His True Disconnect!

In a recent meeting with Pacific Island leaders, President Joe Biden proved once again just how out of touch he is. The meeting, which was already off to a rocky start with Biden stumbling over the names of the countries involved, took a bizarre turn when Biden claimed that the United States was establishing diplomatic relations with the Cook Islands because he and the Prime Minister were both from Baltimore. The Cook Islands leader looked understandably baffled, as he was born in the Cook Islands and went to school in New Zealand, with no connection to Baltimore whatsoever. I mean, come on Joe, get your facts straight!

But it didn’t stop there. Biden then proceeded to mess up the name of the agreement and the amount of money it involved, calling it the “P G, P I” initiative and claiming it was for $40 billion, when in reality it was only $40 million. Can this guy even read a teleprompter? And to top it all off, he couldn’t even remember what was supposed to happen next, needing to ask his Secretary of State for clarification. Talk about embarrassing.

But perhaps the most cringe-worthy moment came during the leader line-up photo op, when Biden made a completely unrelated comment about his trip to Detroit and the UAW strike. It’s clear that he has no idea what’s going on or why he’s being asked these questions. And don’t even get me started on his “internet” comment during the HBCU meeting. Is this guy living in the Stone Age?

It’s moments like these that make you wonder what’s going on behind the scenes. If Biden can’t even get through a prepared speech without stumbling over his words and making bizarre comments, how can we trust him to lead our country? It’s no wonder his poll numbers are plummeting and former President Donald Trump is now leading in the polls. It’s time for the Democrats to wake up and realize that they’ve put all of us in danger by having this guy in office. We deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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