
Biden’s Pal KJP Squirms Under Tough Questions!

In a long-awaited White House briefing, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre skillfully tap-danced around the elephant in the room: Hunter Biden and his questionable business dealings. Despite the Biden administration’s claims that Hunter never profited from his father’s political connections, the evidence just keeps piling up.

During Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president, Hunter frequently accompanied his dad on official trips, including a highly controversial visit to China. It turns out that while tagging along with dear old dad, Hunter was busy wheeling and dealing, setting up a Chinese private equity fund and cozying up to a Chinese banker named Jonathan Li. And let’s not forget that conveniently timed business license that was issued just days after their trip. Coincidence? Hardly.

And if that isn’t enough to raise some eyebrows, there’s also the matter of Hunter having office space, complete with his own set of keys, set up for his father. Now, call us crazy, but that sounds an awful lot like a business partnership. But hey, maybe Joe just wanted a spare key in case he misplaced his own. Yeah, right.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Biden family has a habit of mixing business with politics. These revelations raise serious questions about potential conflicts of interest and whether Joe Biden was aware of, and possibly even benefited from, Hunter’s dealings. But don’t hold your breath for any straight answers from the Biden administration. They’ve perfected the art of dodging questions and deflecting blame. It’s just business as usual in the swamp.

Written by Staff Reports

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