
Biden’s Poll Lead Crumbles, Dems Face Nightmare Scenario

In a recent poll by Fox News, it has been revealed that President Joe Biden is just barely ahead of former President Donald Trump. But before you start cheering for Biden, let’s take a closer look at the details and see why this poll might actually be a nightmare for Democrats.

First of all, the lead that Biden has over Trump is within the poll’s three-point margin of error. So, we can’t really say for certain that Biden is truly in the lead. It’s more like a toss-up between the two. But of course, the mainstream media will conveniently overlook this little tidbit and run with the headline that Biden is winning.

But here’s where it gets interesting. The poll also asked respondents about their preferred choice between Biden and two alternative candidates – Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Now, when West was thrown into the mix, Biden’s support dropped to a measly 43%, while Trump’s support fell to just 45%. Looks like the radical leftists are starting to make their presence known even within the Democratic base.

And it doesn’t end there. When Kennedy was included as another alternative, both Biden and Trump were tied at 41%. This just goes to show that there are plenty of Democrats who are dissatisfied with the current crop of candidates and are looking for someone else to vote for. Can you blame them? Biden’s record so far has been nothing short of disastrous.

But perhaps the most alarming finding of this poll is that Biden is losing support among key groups that have traditionally formed the Democratic Party’s core base. His support among African Americans has dropped a whopping 17 points since the last election. And let’s not forget the 15-point decline in support from female voters and the 12-point drop among young voters. It seems like the more people get to know Biden and his policies, the less they like him.

So, what does all this mean for Democrats? Well, it’s a wake-up call, to say the least. They can try to spin this poll as a victory for Biden, but the numbers don’t lie. Biden is losing ground, and there are alternatives out there that people are willing to consider. Democrats need to take a long, hard look at themselves and figure out how they can regain the support they have lost. Because if they continue down this path of radicalism, they might find themselves on the losing side once again.

Written by Staff Reports

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