
Biden’s Potty Mouth Exposed: So Much for Civility!

President Joe Biden, who campaigned on a platform of civility, has been caught using vulgar language to describe former President Donald Trump in private settings, according to a report by Politico. At least three people have claimed to have heard Biden refer to Trump as a “sick f—“. It seems that Biden’s true colors are showing, as he unleashes his inner potty mouth behind closed doors.

During his speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on January 6th, Biden nearly let slip the derogatory term publicly before stopping himself. The crowd, comprised of his adoring fans, responded with applause and laughter. It’s clear that Biden’s true feelings about Trump are anything but civil or respectful. It seems that the president’s attempts to present himself as a unifier were nothing but empty promises.

Biden’s attacks on Trump and his supporters have been non-stop since his inauguration. He has repeatedly accused them of embracing political violence and poses them as a threat to democracy. This coming from the man who insulted then-Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign, suggesting that he would put black people “back in chains”. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.

While Biden points fingers at Trump and his supporters, it’s important to remember that it was Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows of Maine who disqualified Trump from holding office based on the 14th Amendment’s “insurrection” clause and the Capitol riot. The Colorado Supreme Court also ruled against Trump’s appearance on the 2024 ballot, further denying him the chance to participate in the democratic process. It seems that the Democrats are doing more to undermine democracy than anyone else.

Biden’s true intentions are becoming clearer by the day. He sees politics as an all-out war, and he will stop at nothing to crush his opponents. His language and behavior reveal a deep-seated anger towards Trump and his supporters, and it is a far cry from the unity he promised during his campaign. It’s time for the American people to see through the façade and hold Biden accountable for his divisive actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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