
Biden’s Shocking Internet Power Grab Exposed: Say Goodbye to Freedom Online?

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! While everyone has been caught up in the latest cultural issues, they’ve been scheming behind the scenes to take over the Internet. Yes, you heard that right. The fate of the Internet is hanging in the balance, and it’s all set to come to a vote at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on November 15th.

FCC Commissioner Brandon Carr didn’t hold back when he called out the Biden administration for their audacious attempt to regulate the Internet in the name of “equity.” President Biden gave the FCC marching orders to implement new rules that would give the federal government control over almost every aspect of how the Internet functions. Can you believe it? Talk about government overreach!

Carr rightly points out that Congress never intended for such a sweeping regulatory regime to be implemented. But that’s not stopping the Biden administration. They want the FCC to have the power to regulate everything from network infrastructure to customer service, and everything in between. It’s a complete takeover of the Internet sector, all in the name of their ideology of government control.

And if you think it can’t get any worse, think again. The FCC reserves the right to regulate both actions AND omissions. That means if you take any action, or even if you do nothing at all, you could be held liable. There’s no way to comply with such a standardless regime. It’s like something out of a Soviet Studies Department playbook.

But wait, there’s more! The Biden administration is spreading myths about the need for these regulations. They claim that the end of Net Neutrality was a disaster, but the reality is quite different. The executive order they’re trying to push through is all about promoting “diversity” and equity. But let’s be honest, those terms can be defined to fit any bureaucratic action they want. It’s just another attempt to increase government control over our lives.

Folks, we need to wake up and see what’s happening here. The Biden administration is trying to take over the Internet and regulate it in the name of equity. But this is just another example of their ideology of government control. We must stand up for our freedoms and reject these overreaching regulations. Our Internet is too important to be controlled by bureaucrats. It’s time to say no to the Biden Internet takeover!

Written by Staff Reports

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