
Biden’s Shocking Take on Gaza Hospital Explosion — Unthinkable Response Revealed!

Joe Biden had a rough time on Wednesday, and that’s saying something considering his track record. He made a series of questionable remarks during his trip to Israel and back to the U.S. First, during a photo op with Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden completely forgot what he was saying. Then, he made a comment about the conflict being “done by the other team,” making it seem like a football game. But he conveniently left out the name of the “other team,” Hamas.

Even though he had notes to read from, Biden still stumbled over his words. After meeting with Netanyahu, Biden made more confusing remarks about the Six-Day War, claiming he visited Israel before it happened in 1967 and met with Prime Minister Golda Meir. However, he didn’t meet with her until 1973, before the Yom Kippur War. Biden also stirred controversy by announcing $100 million in aid for Gaza and the West Bank, raising concerns that it could end up in the hands of Hamas.

On his way back to the U.S., Biden gave a press conference on Air Force One where he appeared frail and struggled to communicate effectively. When asked if his trip made any sense, he responded snottily, asking the reporter, “What do you think?” One of the most concerning remarks Biden made was about the explosion at a hospital, suggesting it was caused by a misfired rocket from Hamas.

While he claimed he wasn’t suggesting it was deliberate, his comment about “learning how to shoot straight” sounded like he was joking about terrorists. This didn’t sit well with many people. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s pained expression behind Biden said it all. In addition to his questionable remarks, people also noticed something odd about Biden’s chin in a video clip that circulated online. Whether it was a trick of lighting or something else, it added to the overall weirdness of Biden’s day.

Written by Staff Reports

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