
Biden’s Silent Stand: Jim Banks Demands Improved Women’s Health Efforts

The third anniversary of the Geneva Consensus Declaration (GCD) was commemorated earlier this week. In addition to recognizing the importance of family, the right to life, and women's health, this significant document affirms that each nation has the authority to uphold these values in accordance with its own laws and policies. We regret to inform you that the pro-abortion administration of President Joe Biden has opted to withdraw the United States from this significant agreement. Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), among others, are urging Vice President Biden to re-join the Geneva Consensus Declaration.

Representative Jim Banks condemned the international propagation of abortion, transgenderism, and atheism by the Biden administration. Concurrently, he emphasized the importance of safeguarding the nation's standing and advocating for religious liberty, a pro-life stance, and pro-family policies. In addition to Rep. Banks, Sen. Steve Daines endorsed the Geneva Consensus Declaration and co-sponsor a resolution in the House to commemorate its third anniversary. The anniversary event was organized by the Institute for Women's Health (IWH), which commended Banks for his endeavors and urged President Biden to acknowledge the importance of the Geneva Consensus Declaration and reestablish the coalition.

Rep. Banks's resolution emphasizes the significance of the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a document that 32 nations, representing more than 1.6 billion individuals, have endorsed. It urges future administrations, including Vice President Biden, to rejoin and provide support to this coalition. In the past, former President Donald Trump made a solemn commitment to join the Geneva Consensus Declaration. This action demonstrates the dedication of conservative leaders to champion causes such as the protection of national sovereignty, the safeguarding of human life, and the improvement of women's health.

Alex Azar, the former secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), underscored the momentous and substantial dedication of countries cooperating to advance women's health, safeguard human life, provide assistance to families, and uphold national sovereignty at the anniversary celebration this year. Nevertheless, Xavier Becerra, the incumbent Secretary of Health and Human Services, has unequivocally stated that the Biden administration is ardently advocating for abortion. President Biden's decision to withdraw from and decline re-joining the Geneva Consensus Declaration demonstrates that he places his pro-abortion agenda above the health and welfare of women. This decision gives rise to apprehensions regarding the Biden administration's genuine dedication to the health of women.

Written by Staff Reports

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