
Biden’s SOTU: Root Canal of Speeches, GOP Claps Back

President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday was like a root canal that just wouldn’t end. Clocking in at an hour and eight minutes, it felt more like 108 hours of painful droning. The liberal lovefest on social media tried to spin it as “vigorous” and “forceful,” but let’s call a spade a spade, shall we?

California’s smooth operator, Governor Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom, couldn’t resist using his air time to cozy up to Biden while subtly hinting that he wouldn’t mind taking over the presidency himself. Talk about playing both sides of the coin.

The liberal echo chamber couldn’t stop gushing over Biden’s supposed passion and power, with Democrat politicians practically swooning in adoration. Milwaukee’s mayor, who should consider a name change ASAP, led the pack in sycophantic praise, followed closely by New York’s former mayor de Bolshevik himself. It’s all just a big love fest among the blue team, isn’t it?

But hold onto your hats, folks, because even some Republicans dared to speak out against the emperor’s new clothes. Joe Walsh made waves by pointing out the obvious, earning himself a gasp from the crowd. Meanwhile, actual Republican viewers were not buying what Biden was selling, seeing through the facade and calling a spade a spade.

Nonpartisan media heavyweights didn’t mince words either, with John Solomon, Jeff Poor, Ari Fleischer, and Brit Hume all giving their two cents on Biden’s lackluster performance. Let’s just say, the reviews were less than stellar across the board.

And let’s not forget the cringe-worthy moments that the mainstream media conveniently overlooked, like Biden stumbling over murder victim names and taking a swipe at the Supreme Court. No amount of lipstick can make that pig look pretty.

In the end, even amidst the cheerleading from the left, the reality remains that Biden is out of touch and failing America. CA Rep. Kevin Kiley didn’t hold back in highlighting the truth – whether he’s loud, fiery, or whatever, Biden’s leadership continues to miss the mark.

Written by Staff Reports

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