
Biden’s Team Jinxes Peace, Terror Strikes Days After Boasting ‘Quiet’ ME!

Just one week ago, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made confident claims about the state of affairs in the Middle East, asserting that it was "quieter today than it has been in two decades." However, within eight days, Iranian-supported Hamas launched thousands of rockets into Israel, resulting in hundreds of casualties. Sullivan's statements have come back to haunt him.

Sullivan's declarations were made during an interview with The Atlantic, where he sought to portray the Biden Administration's efforts as having achieved peace and stability in the Middle East. However, the subsequent eruption of chaos and a deadly conflict seemed to contradict these optimistic assertions, leaving many to wonder if the universe had played a cruel joke on Sullivan and his perceptions of the situation.

Tragically, Israeli civilians are now paying the price for Sullivan's misplaced confidence. The conflict has resulted in at least 250 innocent lives lost, with another 50 individuals taken hostage in a jihadist incursion from the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been compelled to mobilize over 150,000 reservists and declare a state of war.

Israeli cities have faced relentless rocket attacks, causing hundreds of casualties and injuries. Islamist terrorists have even infiltrated Israeli settlements, targeting civilians in their cars and homes. It's a nightmarish scenario for the Israeli people, who are now living in constant fear for their lives. Additionally, dozens of Israeli civilians and soldiers have been abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip. This is the grim reality that contradicts Sullivan's earlier characterization of a "quiet" Middle East.

The Biden Administration's assertion of being caught off guard by this outbreak of violence is met with skepticism. Sullivan himself acknowledged ongoing challenges in the region, including Iran's nuclear weapons program and persistent tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. The disparity between this acknowledgment and the earlier statements of confidence highlights a disconnect between the administration's rhetoric and the reality on the ground.

As expected, Sullivan's comments have faced significant criticism. It is now imperative for the Biden Administration to abandon any downplaying of the seriousness of the Middle East situation and to take decisive action to protect its allies, including Israel, from acts of terrorism. The safety and security of innocent lives should always be the top priority, and it is crucial for the administration to acknowledge this reality and respond accordingly.

Written by Staff Reports

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