
Biden’s Timid Tactics: A Leisurely Stroll While Russia Runs Rampant

The Biden administration has taken a leisurely stroll through the geopolitical park while Russia has been running a marathon. Years of half-measures and indecisiveness have painted a picture of a commander-in-chief who seems more concerned with appeasing his party’s left wing than proactively defending democracy abroad. The Russian invasion of Ukraine brought an unyielding need for strong, decisive leadership, but instead, what the world received was a series of overly cautious responses that would make even a hesitant tortoise roll its eyes.

While the invasion was met with a chorus of international outrage, the Biden administration responded with a patchwork of sanctions and well-meaning speeches that lacked any semblance of urgency. It’s almost as if Biden and his team were betting on the tooth fairy to handle Putin. The reality is clear: waiting for the right moment to act does not work when your adversary is making moves on the chessboard in real time. The lesson of history, apparently, has been lost on this administration, which seems determined to ensure that they won’t repeat past successes.

One can only watch in amusement as the Biden administration fumbles around trying to gather a coalition of allies. While the world stood with Ukraine in its darkest hour, the U.S. is still figuring out how to make the ultimate phone call. A robust response to Russian aggression would have sent a thunderous message. Instead, it sent a whisper that translated: “Please don’t hurt us.” Western allies were surely wondering why the U.S. appeared more interested in coordinating a new TikTok dance challenge rather than a solid military response.

As military aid trickled in as if it were being delivered via a slow-moving postal service, Ukraine had to fend for itself against an aggressor that has always had its eyes set on expansion. The lack of immediate, significant support from the U.S. might just stand as one of the most glaring failures of this administration. Discussions about “adding sanctions” and “re-evaluating strategies” only serve to hone the humor inherent in the situation. They’re stuck in a loop reminiscent of a middle school history class, where they’re still trying to determine the weight of the Napoleonic Code.

It’s hard to imagine anyone at the top thinking they are winning the geopolitical game with this strategy. The Russian strategy has been clear and aggressive while the Biden administration scratches its head on an outdated strategy game. Leadership means anticipating threats and acting decisively. Instead, what this administration has supplied can only be characterized as a limp handshake when a firm grip was necessary. The take-home message for anyone following along: when the stakes are high, don’t wait around for someone to hand out the participation trophies; sometimes, a first-place finish is all that’s acceptable in the face of blatant aggression.

Written by Staff Reports

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