
Biden’s Unleashes Spiteful Jab at Axelrod, Reveals True Colors of Denial

A scathing report from Politico has taken aim at Joe Biden, calling into question his ability to effectively govern and campaign. According to columnist Jonathan Martin, this report goes even further to reveal the true character of Biden when faced with challenges. It seems that Biden has a tendency to resort to nasty remarks and even threats when he feels threatened himself. This behavior has been seen before when he called voters “fat” and threatened to take them outside.

In particular, Biden made a nasty crack about David Axelrod after Axelrod had questioned whether it was wise for Biden to run for office again, considering his age and the best interests of the country. Martin also points out that it was unhelpful for Biden to deny the reality of his polling numbers when questioned by Fox’s Peter Doocy. By refusing delivery on anything critical of him, Biden is only hurting his own chances of reelection.

Instead of addressing the concerns and criticisms, Biden seems to be in denial. He ignores negative polls and questions about his age and coherence, choosing to paint a rosy picture instead. This approach may be therapeutic for Biden, but it does not make him any more likely to defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

Even the Biden staff lashed out at Axelrod, criticizing his focus on the negatives rather than recognizing the overall good job Biden is doing. This kind of denial and refusal to listen to criticism has negatively impacted Biden’s presidency. If he can’t listen to criticism and make improvements, then he will continue to fail. This, coupled with poor policy decisions, is why Biden is struggling. Frankly, as a conservative, I hope they continue in their denial because it will only help them lose.

Written by Staff Reports

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