
Biden’s Voter Base Crumbles: Arab-Americans Jump Ship Ahead of Elections

In a shocking turn of events, some American voters who once stood behind President Joe Biden are now considering abandoning ship this fall. It’s like the rats jumping off a sinking ship, but in this case, it’s American voters jumping off the USS Biden. The disaffection from Arab-American and Muslim voters is becoming increasingly evident as leaders in Dearborn, Michigan, flat-out refused to meet with Biden’s campaign staff. This ain’t looking good for ol’ Joe.

According to reports, the support from Arab-Americans and Muslims that President Biden once enjoyed is now as elusive as the Loch Ness Monster. The Mayor of Dearborn, Abdullah Hammoud, made it clear that the issues at hand are not just about politics – they’re about humanity. It seems like Biden’s campaign forgot that Palestinians are actual people and not just some chess pieces to be moved around for political gain. What a shocker, right?

One organizer, Ghada Elnajjar, recalled how the Biden campaign actively sought meetings with Muslim and Arab-American voters back in 2020. Fast forward to today, and it looks like the current outreach strategy has been about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. In fact, the Institute for Middle East Understanding even called a potential meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken “insulting and performative.” Ouch, that’s gotta sting.

But the discontent doesn’t stop there. Muslim Americans from several key swing states have banded together to launch the #AbandonBiden 2024 movement. They’re not exactly rushing to throw their support behind former President Donald Trump, but they’re definitely sending a clear message to the Democratic Party – “Don’t take us for granted.” It’s like they’re saying, “You want our votes? Well, you better work for ’em.”

Axios even pointed out that a loss of votes from Muslim and Arab-American voters could make a real difference in the November elections. For example, Biden’s slim winning margin in Michigan was a mere 154,000 votes, while the estimated Arab-American population in the state is a whopping 278,000. And in Arizona, where Biden’s victory margin was a mere 10,500 votes, there are an estimated 60,000 Arab-Americans. Yikes, talk about a potential game-changer.

It’s not just the voters who are feeling the heat. The Arab American Institute estimated that Biden’s support among Arab-American voters has plummeted to about 17 percent, a far cry from the 59 percent who backed him in 2020. With these numbers, it’s no wonder Sandra Tamari, the executive director of the Adalah Justice Project, predicts that Biden’s campaign won’t be able to escape the scrutiny and dissent from within their own party. It’s like a political soap opera, and the drama is just beginning.

As the 2024 election looms, it’s becoming increasingly clear that President Biden and the Democratic Party have some serious strategizing to do if they want to win back the trust and support of Arab-American and Muslim voters. Will they rise to the challenge, or will they continue to watch their once-solid support crumble like a stale cookie? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – this election season is going to be one for the history books. Hold onto your hats, folks, because it’s about to get real interesting.

Written by Staff Reports

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