
Big Business Gets Brutal Wake-Up Call After Bowing to Leftist Agenda

In a classic case of “I told you so,” big business is learning the hard way why you don’t sell out to woke Democrats. Pepsi, known for its failed attempt at woke advertising with Kendall Jenner, is now being sued by the New York Attorney General Letitia James for billions of dollars. The reason? Apparently, Pepsi’s use of plastics harms the environment.

But that’s not all. James is also arguing that Pepsi should be held responsible for people who buy their products and don’t properly dispose of their trash. It’s like blaming car manufacturers for drunk drivers. These absurd lawsuits are just another example of how the left will always find a reason to go after anyone who dares to be successful.

As a conservative, it’s hard not to feel a little satisfied watching big businesses that aligned themselves with woke Democrats face the consequences. For years, Republicans warned these companies about the dangers of getting into bed with the Democratic Party, but we were ignored and attacked for our beliefs. Now, these companies are paying the price.

You can never be woke enough for the left. No matter how much you pander or donate, they will always turn against you in the end. That’s why it was so self-destructive for big businesses to go woke in the first place. Did they really think that those who called them evil profiteers for years would suddenly support them? It’s astonishing how naive they were.

As a Republican, I’ll happily sit back, sip my water, and enjoy watching these companies suffer the consequences of their own decisions. There’s no going back now, and we’re not interested in any apologies. We tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen.

Written by Staff Reports

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