
Billionaire Beef: Zuckerberg Raises Cows on Macadamias and Beer?!

In a shocking revelation, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has disclosed his secret to raising top-quality beef on his farm. Taking to Instagram, Zuckerberg shared that he feeds his wagyu and Angus cattle a unique diet consisting of ground macadamias and beer. Yes, you read that right – beer for cows! Apparently, this follows traditional Japanese cattle-raising practices that aim to enhance the flavor and marbling of the meat.

While some may see this as an eccentric choice, the conservative mind appreciates Zuckerberg’s dedication to creating the “highest quality beef in the world.” With his deep pockets, he has chosen to invest in an extraordinary bovine diet. It’s not every day you come across cows sipping on ice-cold brews and munching on macadamia treats.

Now, some might question the science behind this unusual feeding regimen. But who are we to doubt a man who adorns his shelves with books like “Beefonomics 101” and “The Art of Marbling: For Successful Cow Whisperers”? Zuckerberg has certainly done his research, drawing on centuries of Japanese cattle-raising wisdom.

However, there are always naysayers, like Yoshinori Nakanishi, a Kobe cattle farmer for four decades. According to Food Diversity, Nakanishi claims he would never give his cows beer, dismissing the practice as nothing short of sacrilege. But hey, everyone has their own recipe for success, right?

This is not the first we’ve heard of Zuckerberg’s passion for meat. In a video released earlier, he showcased his barbecue skills as he smoked a brisket and ribs. The self-proclaimed “meat chef” highlighted that the taste is always better when you’ve personally hunted the animal yourself. Ah, the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your meal comes from – a true conservative food lover’s paradise.

In fact, back in 2011, Zuckerberg declared himself a vegetarian, sharing his commitment to only eating meat from animals he has killed himself. The Guardian reported on his pursuit of sustainable farming and ethical animal husbandry. Truly a man ahead of his time, Zuckerberg offers a glimpse into the future where we all become self-sufficient carnivores, exerting our dominance over the food chain.

So, whether you find Zuckerberg’s cow cuisine choices curious or commendable, one thing is for certain: he certainly knows how to stir up a debate. As conservatives, let’s rally behind his entrepreneurial spirit and groundbreaking endeavors, turning a blind eye to those who raise an eyebrow at beer-drinking bovines. After all, innovation knows no bounds, not even in the world of farming. Cheers to Zuckerberg’s quest for the perfect steak!

Written by Staff Reports

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