
Blackmailed Sen. Lankford Caves on Border Deal? Shocking Past Revealed!

Well, well, well, it seems like we’ve got ourselves a little political mystery on our hands, folks. The big question swirling around Washington right now is whether or not our very own Sen. James Lankford was blackmailed into brokering that disastrous border deal. And let me tell you, the evidence is starting to pile up!

You see, it all started when Sen. Lankford released his border security package. Now, I don’t need to remind you that former President Donald Trump was not a fan of this deal. And we all know that the Democrats were just itching to push through their open borders agenda. So, what gives? Why would a conservative Republican like Lankford be so eager to strike a deal with the very people we’re trying to keep out?

Well, here’s where things get interesting. A statement from 2010 made by Lankford recently resurfaced. And let me tell you, it raises more than a few eyebrows. In this statement, Lankford claimed that a 13-year-old could consent to sex. Yep, you read that right. A 13-year-old. Now, I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty disturbing to me.

Look, I’m not saying that Lankford should be held accountable for something he said over a decade ago. People change, right? But it does make you wonder if the Democrats have something on him. Did they dig up this old statement and use it to blackmail him into brokering that disastrous border deal? It’s starting to seem more and more likely.

And let’s not forget, Lankford’s connection to a Baptist camp that’s currently facing scrutiny over their handling of sexual abuse cases. Coincidence? I think not. The Democrats play dirty, folks, and they’ll stop at nothing to push their radical agenda.

Now, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but sometimes the pieces just fit together too perfectly. It’s time for Lankford to come clean and tell us the truth. Were his hands tied behind his back when he made that border deal? Did the Democrats hold his past statement over his head? We deserve answers, and we deserve them now.

In the end, this whole situation just goes to show you the lengths the left will go to push their agenda. They’ll use any means necessary, even if it means blackmailing a conservative senator. It’s a sad state of affairs, my friends, but it’s the reality we’re living in. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and always question the motives behind these disastrous deals. The truth is out there, and it’s up to us to uncover it.

Written by Staff Reports

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