
Border Bill Greenlights a Whopping 8.5k Migrants Daily!

The internet rumors strike again! Turns out, those “internet rumors” that the border bill would allow 5,000 migrants per day were actually true! And even worse, the bill will allow a whopping 8,500 migrants to cross the border in just one day! Talk about a flood of people!

Senator James Lankford, who denied the rumors, must be feeling a little sheepish right about now. He said it would be “absolutely absurd” to allow 5,000 people a day. Well, Senator, it looks like the joke’s on you. Maybe next time, check the facts before dismissing something as an “internet rumor.”

But wait, it gets even better. Senator Mike Rounds tried to blame Russian disinformation for these rumors. Seriously, Senator? We’re going to blame everything on the Russians now? It’s time to take responsibility for our own actions and stop blaming others.

The bill’s text clearly contradicts what Lankford promised us. It states that if there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens encountered each day for seven consecutive calendar days, or a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens encountered in one day, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall activate the border emergency authority. So much for turning everyone around and shutting down the border, Senator Lankford.

It’s just another example of politicians saying one thing and doing another. It’s time for us to hold them accountable and demand transparency. The American people deserve the truth, not empty promises and internet rumors.

Written by Staff Reports

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