
Border Boiling Point: Dems Risk Votes Defying GOP’s Parole Plea

As the 2024 election approaches, the Democrat Party is faced with a tough decision: should they give in to the Republican demands to close the parole loophole at the border, or risk losing voters in the upcoming election? According to Todd Schulte, president of Mark Zuckerberg’s lobby group for pro-migration investors, if the Democrats cave to the GOP’s demands, it could spell disaster for them at the polls.

Schulte warned Democrat lawmakers and their allies in business-backed migration advocacy groups that ending the current usage of parole would lead to chaos at the border, pushing thousands of people to cross between ports of entry. This, he argued, would be a huge trap for Democrats, as President Biden’s Parole Pathways are touted as the most effective tool to alleviate pressure on the border., created by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his investor allies in 2013, has been a key player in pushing for amnesty and cheap labor bills. Schulte’s memo highlighted the sheer volume of migrants arriving at the border each month, hoping to be admitted under the parole rules set by Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s pro-migration homeland defense chief. The memo underscores the potential fallout from closing the parole loophole, which could result in a massive backlog of migrants at the border.

The policy of Mayorkas has not only created bottlenecks at the border but has also caused problems in blue cities as migrants rush in despite the parole loophole. This has led to short-term PR headaches for Democrats, who may struggle to spin the pile-ups as evidence of border security success.

Schulte’s memo carries weight, as his investors also fund various pro-migration advocacy groups that have been pushing back against GOP proposals and rallying Democrat legislators. Despite the policy’s negative impact on millions of Americans, particularly in terms of wage suppression and soaring inflation, there are few signs that Democrats are willing to budge on their pro-migration stance.

The government-directed inflow of foreign workers and consumers has garnered support from many progressives, despite the adverse effects on American workers and communities. Democrats, emboldened by their perceived immunity to GOP pressure, are standing firm against Republican demands to close the parole loophole.

As the political maneuvering continues, with Democrats bringing in foreign leaders to bolster their positions and Republicans accusing their counterparts of intentionally keeping the border open, the stakes are high. The GOP Senators are pushing for border security, with Senator Lindsey Graham, a usually pro-migration advocate, stressing the need to prioritize domestic security.

In the face of these challenges, the Democrat Party finds itself at a crossroads, having to balance their pro-migration stance with the potential political fallout in the upcoming 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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