
Border Chaos: Biden and Mayorkas Clash Over Southern Border Security! Record Levels of Illegal Immigration Exposed!

In a stunning display of confusion and disarray, it seems that President Joe Biden and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas can’t even agree on whether or not the southern border is secure. I mean, come on, guys, get your act together!

During a recent press conference, a reporter from the trustworthy and always fair and balanced Fox News asked Biden about the security of the southern border. And what was his response? “No, it’s not secure.” Well, thank you, Captain Obvious! We didn’t need the President of the United States to tell us that, but it’s good to know he’s finally admitting it.

But wait, didn’t Mayorkas just recently argue that the border is secure? Talk about mixed messages! It’s like playing a game of political whiplash, trying to keep up with the ever-changing positions of this administration.

Now, I don’t want to shock you, but the southern border has actually experienced record levels of illegal immigration under Biden’s watch. Border Patrol has reported over 2.2 million illegal encounters in fiscal year 2022 and over 2 million encounters in fiscal year 2023. And guess what? Fiscal year 2024 started with a bang, with December alone seeing over 300,000 encounters. That’s a whole lot of people crossing the border without permission!

When pressed on this glaring disconnect between Biden and Mayorkas, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gave a masterclass in political spin. She said the president is just waiting for Congress to provide more funding for border security. Ah, yes, because more money is definitely the solution to this crisis. Who needs policies or actual solutions when you can just throw more taxpayer dollars at the problem?

But wait, there’s more! According to Jean-Pierre, the president has been saying for years that the immigration system is broken. Well, congratulations, Mr. President, you’ve mastered the art of stating the obvious. But what have you actually done about it? Three years into your administration and we’re still waiting for any meaningful action. It’s all talk and no action when it comes to securing our border.

In the end, this whole debacle just highlights the ineptitude and lack of leadership we’ve come to expect from the Biden administration. They can’t even get their own story straight on something as crucial as border security. But hey, at least they’re having conversations in the Senate, right? Because we all know that’s how you solve complex issues like illegal immigration – with a good old bipartisan chat.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the excuses and the empty promises. It’s time for real solutions and real action to secure our southern border. The safety and well-being of American citizens should always come first, no matter what political agenda may be at play. We need leaders who will prioritize national security and enforce our immigration laws, not those who are more concerned with scoring political points. Let’s hope we find those leaders soon, before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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