
Brave Conservative Mayor Defies New COVID Mandates: Stand With Freedom!

Riverton, Utah Mayor Trent Staggs, a brave and freedom-loving Republican, has declared that his town will never succumb to the tyranny of COVID-related restrictions. Despite growing speculation about new mandates, Staggs vows to stand strong and protect the rights of his constituents. In an interview with the trusted conservative outlet Breitbart News, Staggs proudly proclaimed, “In Riverton, we believe in freedom and that people know better how to govern their lives than DC bureaucrats.”

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, while other cities and states were blindly following the oppressive lockdown measures imposed by the liberal elites, Staggs took a stand. He directed his police force not to enforce the ridiculous business closures, social distancing, and masking mandates. And if the powers-that-be try to bring back these senseless restrictions, Staggs pledges to once again hold the line and protect the citizens of Riverton.

While a few weak-minded colleges and small communities around the country cave to fear and reinstate mask mandates, Staggs remains steadfast in his commitment to liberty. He understands that the number of hospitalizations due to COVID is a fraction of what it was during the so-called Omicron wave in early 2022. These current case levels are nothing to be alarmed about, yet some healthcare providers and even Lionsgate studios in Los Angeles are foolishly succumbing to panic.

At the federal level, the Biden Administration continues to push for booster shots, despite the fact that these vaccines have failed to stop the spread of the virus. It’s clear that they are more interested in control than in the well-being of the American people. But Mayor Staggs and Riverton, Utah, will not be swayed. They will continue to champion freedom and allow their citizens to make their own informed decisions about their health. God bless Mayor Staggs and his unwavering commitment to liberty!

Written by Staff Reports

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