
Bumbling Biden Leaks Iran Attack Plans – Weak Response Exposed!

Oh boy, here we go again with the bumbling Biden administration. It seems like they just can’t get anything right. News is swirling tonight that ol’ Sleepy Joe might actually do something about the Iran-backed attack on our military forces. You know, the one that left three brave Americans dead and over 40 injured. But leave it to Biden to give the Iranians a heads-up before he takes action. I mean, come on, Joe! You’re supposed to keep them guessing, not tell them what you might hit next!

And get this, folks. Not only did they leak the possibility of action, but they even spilled the beans on the options that the Pentagon is considering. Apparently, striking Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq or hitting their naval assets in the Persian Gulf are on the table. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the kind of information you keep under wraps? Unless, of course, you’re trying to throw the Iranians off your trail. But knowing Biden, it’s probably just another case of him not knowing how to handle a delicate situation.

You see, my friends, this is what happens when you respond with weakness to every single attack. Biden has only mustered a response to about ten percent of the attacks Iran has launched against us. Can you believe that? Ten percent! And even when he does respond, it’s like a slap on the wrist. No wonder the Iranians think they can walk all over us. They’ve got Biden right where they want him – weak and surrendering.

Now, some analysts are saying that any action from Biden will be “phased” or “tiered.” Whatever that means. But with Biden calling the shots, who knows how he’ll mess it up. We can only hope he doesn’t make things worse. But hey, at least the Iranians might be scrambling a bit now that they know Biden is onto them. It’s about time he showed a little backbone. Let’s just hope it’s not too little, too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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